Don't Just Boost Your Immune System,
Prevent A Virus Before It Starts
The information contained in this section of the NViroMune website is intended to provide educational information and does NOT make claims or provide medical advice as it relates to any products sold by NViroMune or on this site.
The Ultimate Post-pandemic Supplement.
Prevent A Virus,
Flu, And Cold BEFORE It Even Starts
10 Active Ingredients 1 Perfect Formula
By combining the support of 9 nutraceuticals with the power of Zinc, DEFENSE works to combat viruses such as Betacoronaviruses, influenza and the common cold. DEFENSE is a patented formula superior to the simple use of Zinc.
There is no other formula like this on the market. We taken the power of Zinc and combined it with 9 nutraceuticals for a powerful natural response.
DEFENSE Does not just boost your immune system, it actually stops viral entry into the lungs and replication. So it ultimately helps Stop the virus, before it even starts.
The Perfect Formula To Stay Healthy
So You can Enjoy Life's Moments
"I travel for business and don't want to bring a virus home to my family."
"I travel for business and don't want to bring a virus home to my family."
"I am now ready to go to large gathering again but I want to prevent a virus as much as possible."
"I am now ready to go to large gathering again but I want to prevent a virus as much as possible."
"The Holidays are here and I don't want to miss a single day because of a cold or virus."
"The Holidays are here and I don't want to miss a single day because of a cold or virus."
"I am proactive about my health in general and want the best supplement to protect me from a cold or virus."
"I am proactive about my health in general and want the best supplement to protect me from a cold or virus."
The Team Behind DEFENSE Respiratory Support Formula
Discover what our researchers have to say about DEFENSE by clicking the play button.
Prof. Daniel Segal
Professor Segal’s professional career began in 1984 at the Weizmann Institute as a Scientist.
Prof. Ehud Gazit
Gazit received his Bachelor of Science with summa cum laude at Tel Aviv University, and his Ph.D.
Prof. Eran Bacharach
Professor Bacharach has an interest in Molecular Virology with an emphasis on RNA viruses.
Protection and Help
Reduce duration of illness and reduce the symptoms
Helps maintain optimal Vitamin D and Zinc levels in the body.
Help support your body’s natural immune system
Reduce duration of illness and reduce the symptoms
Helps maintain optimal Vitamin D and Zinc levels in the body.
Help support your body’s natural immune system
Increase of intracellular zinc levels in combination with natural, mineral and plant subtance
Helps prevent the contagious effects of a variety of RNA viruses including influenza, pmeunomia, common cold and beta-coronavirus.
Helps protect against the contagious effects of a variety of RNA viruses including influenza, pneumonia, common cold and beta-coronavirus.
DEFENSE publication regarding our study
and others white papers
Inhibition of respiratory RNA viruses by a composition of ionophoric polyphenols with metal ions 20 March 2022 - University of Tel Aviv - Pharmaceuticals Journal by by Kreiser, Zaguri, Sachdeva , Zamostiano, Mograbi, Segal, Bacharach, and Gazit.
WIPO Patent Of NViroMune
2022 - Global
What People Are Saying
Recently, I had an acute resistant case of COVID. I have to say that thanks to a friend who gave me a product NviroMune Defense to take, my symptoms of COVID cleared within 48 hrs. While I simply could have recovered from the virus, I do believe DEFENSE helped that happen quickly, Furthermore, my wife who was with me started taking Defense right away and did not get any symptoms or test positive for COVID. This supplement was safe and we experienced no side effects.
LB, New Jersey, NJ
I am writing to advise you that I have been using your “Defense” product after contracting and testing positive for Covid. I started using it after two days of symptoms and a positive test. I was on vacation with my partner at a relative’s home. He also started doses and although we were in the same room, he did not contract Covid nor did the relatives. This is the second time I have contracted Covid. The symptoms were much milder and did not last nearly as long this time. I attribute that to your product. Sincerely,
RH, Palm Springs, CA
After being safe for about 2 ½ years I became infected with the COVID-19 virus. I am a single mom and sole caregiver of a handicap and severely immune compromised child who has tested negative, so this was terrifying for me since I couldn’t quarantine. I was very fortunate to obtain a bottle of NViroMune Defense the day I tested positive for COVID. Per Dr. Gaylis’s instructions I started taking three capsules of NViroMune Defense twice per day and two capsules twice per day were given to my daughter. My symptoms remained mild, and I was able to get over the virus very quickly and my energy was restored within a week. I truly believe without Defense the virus would have progressed and I would not have been able to return to my normal activities so quickly. Amazingly my daughter remained negative and continues to take NViroMune Defense routinely.
OD, Aventura, FL
With the recent surge of Covid in my practice, I have been overwhelmed by many patients experiencing significant respiratory and other symptoms associated with COVID. Fortunately, I was introduced to a nutraceutical product, NViroMune Defense, by one of my colleagues. This is a completely natural product and despite my initial skepticism, I have been amazed at how it has seemed to decrease the course of symptoms that my COVID patients have experienced. It also has seemingly provided protection to the family members and partners of these patients who have used DEFENSE as a protective measure against the possibility of becoming infected with the virus. I also have had a personal positive experience using the product in my family and hope this unique formulation is used by many more people in our COVID environment for the protection against the virus.
Dr AK M.D, Miami, FL
DEFENSE The science on why we choose our ingredients
We have found that zinc paired with DEFENSE's patented natural active ingredients, helps boost the immune system and protects against viral replication in the lungs and other areas of the body.
Zinc Compound
A Case-Control Study For The Effectiveness Of Oral Zinc In The Prevention And Mitigation Of COVID-19
Zinc is a relatively inexpensive mineral nutrient that is an effective prophylactic agent to prevent and mitigate
the potentially deadly symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores
Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture:
Increasing the intracellular Zn2+ concentration with zinc-ionophores like pyrithione (PT) can efficiently
impair the replication of a variety of RNA viruses, including poliovirus and influenza virus.
Clinical Significance Summary: Preliminary Results Of A Rapid Review Of Zinc For The Prevention
And Treatment Of SARS-CoV-2 And Other Acute Viral Respiratory Infections:
As of 9 June 2020, indirect evidence from other types of viral respiratory infections suggests that zinc may
potentially reduce the risk, duration and severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections; particularly for populations at
risk of zinc deficiency. Notably, people with chronic disease co-morbidities and older adults are at risk of
lower zinc status. Pending the results of SARS-CoV-2 clinical trials, clinicians might consider assessing zinc
status as part of a SARS-CoV-2 clinical work-up to determine if short-term zinc supplementation, either
orally or intravenously is indicated for those with low or borderline low results, low dietary intake and/or
increased needs.
The Potential Impact Of Zinc Supplementation On COVID-19 Pathogenesis:
As zinc is essential to preserve natural tissue barriers such as the respiratory epithelium, prevent
pathogen entry, for a balanced function of the immune system and the redox system, zinc deficiency can
probably be added to the factors predisposing individuals to infection and detrimental progression of
COVID-19. Finally, due to its direct antiviral properties, it can be assumed that zinc administration is
beneficial for most of the population, especially those with suboptimal zinc status.
A Hypothesis For The Possible Role Of Zinc In The Immunological Pathways Related To COVID-19 Infection:
As zinc is essential to preserve natural tissue barriers such as the respiratory epithelium, prevent
pathogen entry, for a balanced function of the immune system and the redox system, zinc deficiency can
probably be added to the factors predisposing individuals to infection and detrimental progression of
COVID-19. Finally, due to its direct antiviral properties, it can be assumed that zinc administration is
beneficial for most of the population, especially those with suboptimal zinc status.Zinc deficiency may be common and associated with severe infection by helping to enhance the interferon type 1
response to the virus and participates in many regulatory pathways.
20-Week Study Of Clinical Outcomes Of Over-The-Counter COVID-19 Prophylaxis And Treatment:
Role of zinc Zn+2 mediates numerous non-specific and specific immunological functions:16,17 From normal
development and function of cells,18,19 including those regulating nonspecific immunity, inter alia, activity
of natural killer (NK) cells and neutrophils, and macrophage function; to maintaining expression of tightjunction proteins between lung-lining muco-epithelial cells, blocking entry of pathogens; from increasing
cilia length and ciliary beat-frequency in those cells’ mechanical clearance of surface “litter” such as virus
particles, and repair of such function in coronavirus-damaged lung cells; to immune response
modulation,21,22 tamping down on overshooting inflammatory immune responses22 (thus prevent, for
example, high levels of inflammatory mediators such as destructive reactive oxygen and nitrogen species)
and normalizing the ratios of diverse immune cell types.
The Role Of Zinc In Antiviral Immunity:
In vitro replication of influenza (PR/8/34) is significantly inhibited by the addition of the zinc ionophore
pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (110), perhaps through inhibition of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
(RdRp), as had been suggested 30 y earlier (111). In similar fashion, severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) coronavirus RdRp template binding and elongation was inhibited by zinc in Vero-E6 cells (60).
Moreover, zinc salts were shown to inhibit respiratory syncytial virus, even while zinc was incubated with
HEp-2 cells only before infection, and then removed (72).
EGCG, a Green Tea Catechin
EGCG, A Green Tea Polyphenol, Inhibits Human Coronavirus Replication In Vitro
In this report, human coronavirus HCoV-OC43 (beta coronavirus) and HCoV-229E (alpha coronavirus)
were used to examine the effect of EGCG on coronavirus. EGCG treatment decreases 3CL-protease
activity of HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-229E. Moreover, EGCG treatment decreased HCoV-OC43-induced
cytotoxicity. Finally, we found that EGCG treatment decreased the levels of coronavirus RNA and protein
in infected cell media. These results indicate that EGCG inhibits coronavirus replication.
Epigallocatechin Gallate From Green Tea Effectively Blocks Infection Of SARS-CoV-2 And New
Variants By Inhibiting Spike Binding To ACE2 Receptor
We demonstrated that green tea beverage (GTB) or its major ingredient, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG),
were highly effective in inhibiting infection of live SARS-CoV-2 and human coronavirus (HCoV OC43). In
addition, infection of the pseudoviruses with spikes of the new variants (UK-B.1.1.7, SA-B.1.351, and CAB.1.429) was efficiently blocked by GTB or EGCG.
EGCG, A Green Tea Catechin, As A Potential Therapeutic Agent For Symptomatic And Asymptomatic
SARS-CoV-2 Infection
In the realms of addressing inflammation and how to effectively target SARS-CoV-2 mediated respiratory
distress syndrome, we review in this article the available knowledge on the strategic placement of EGCG in
curbing inflammatory signals and how it may serve as a broad spectrum therapeutic in asymptomatic and
symptomatic COVID-19 patients.
Antiviral Effects Of Green Tea EGCG And Its Potential Application Against COVID-19
EGCG, as the major secondary metabolite polyphenol in Camellia sinensis, has been confirmed to be a
multifunctional bioactive molecule with potential for anti-infective, anti-proliferation and antiviral effects.
In this review, the antiviral effects of EGCG on DNA, RNA, coronaviruses and other viruses were
summarized and discussed. EGCG acts antiviral functions in different stages of infection for both nuclear
viruses and cytoplasmic viruses, and so is considered to be a potential alternative agent for multiple viral
diseases (Table 2).
An Overview On The Potential Roles Of EGCG In The Treatment Of COVID-19 Infection
Pre-clinical studies have highlighted the antiviral activities of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a catechin
primarily found in green tea, against various viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. In this review, we summarize
this experimental evidence and highlight the potential use of EGCG as an alternative therapeutic choice for
the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Potential Clinical Benefits Of Quercetin In The Early Stage Of COVID-19: Results Of A Second, Pilot,
Randomized, Controlled And Open-Label Clinical Trial
Quercetin Phytosome® (QP), a novel bioavailable form of quercetin, statistically shortens the timing of
molecular test conversion from positive to negative, reducing at the same time symptoms severity and
negative predictors of COVID-19.
Quercetin As An Antiviral Agent Inhibits Influenza A Virus (IAV) Entry
In our study, we found quercetin possessed anti-influenza activity. The subsequent mechanism study
indicated quercetin showed inhibitory effect during virus entry. Then we found quercetin interacted with
influenza hemagglutinin protein and then inhibited viral-cell fusion.
Quercetin As A Natural Therapeutic Candidate For The Treatment Of Influenza Virus
The focus of this review includes viral pathogenesis as well as the application of quercetin and its
derivatives as a complementary therapy in controlling influenza and its related symptoms based on the
targets. We also touch on the potential of this class of compounds for treatment of SARS-COV-2, the cause
of new pandemic.
Anti-Inflammatory Potential Of Quercetin In COVID-19 Treatment:
Quercetin, as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic and inflammatory compound, is probably a
potential treatment for severe inflammation and one of the main life-threatening conditions in patients with
Quercetin: New Hype For COVID-19?
Quercetin has long been evaluated for its potential protective effects against cancers, heart disease, and
cells that release histamines.
The agent promotes SIRT2, which then inhibits the NLRP3 inflammasome assembly involved with COVID-19
infection, said Samuel F. Yanuck, DC, of the Program on Integrative Medicine at the University of North
Carolina Chapel Hill School of Medicine, who co-authored a review of emerging research on the subject.
Quercetin: New Hype for COVID-19.
Quercetin As A Potential Treatment For COVID-19-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: Based On Network
Pharmacology And Molecular Docking Study
In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms and interactions between Quercetin and SARS-CoV-2
targets proteins by using network pharmacology and molecular docking. The renal protective effects of
Quercetin on COVID-19-induced AKI may be associated with the blockade of the activation of
inflammatory, cell apoptosis-related signaling pathways. Quercetin may also serve as SARS-CoV-2 inhibitor
by binding with the active sites of SARS-CoV-2 main protease 3CL and ACE2, therefore suppressing the
functions of the proteins to cut the viral life cycle.
Vitamin D
The Role Of Vitamin D In The Age Of COVID-19: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis:
Evidence recommends that vitamin D might be a crucial supportive agent for the immune system, mainly in
cytokine response regulation against COVID-19. Hence, we carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis
in order to maximize the use of everything that exists about the role of vitamin D in the COVID-19.
Vitamin D In Infectious Complications In Critically Ill Patients With Or Without COVID-19:
Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to be associated with worse outcomes of infectious complications,
especially in patients admitted to the ICU [8]. The most recognized extra-skeletal action of vitamin D is the
regulation of immune function [9]. Vitamin D is an important link between toll-like receptor (TLR) activation,
leukocyte accumulation, local inflammation, and antibacterial responses in innate immunity [[10], [11], [12]].
Role Of Vitamin D In Preventing Of COVID-19 Infection, Progression And Severity:
This review discussed the possible roles of vitamin D in reducing the risk of COVID-19 and other acute
respiratory tract infections and severity. Moreover, this study determined the correlation of vitamin D levels
with COVID-19 cases and deaths in 20 European countries as of 20 May 2020.
Vitamin D Receptor Stimulation To Reduce Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) In Patients
With Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Infections:
In this Viewpoint, we summarize how activation of the vitamin D Receptor (VDR) may be able to decrease
acute lung injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).
Vitamin D Increases The Antiviral Act ivity Of Bronchial Epithelial Cells In Vitro:
Despite lower vitamin D receptor levels in rhinovirus-infected epithelial cells, exogenous vitamin D
increased antiviral defences most likely via cathelicidin and innate interferon pathways.
Taxifolin (Dihydroquercetin)
A team from the Swiss Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Basel, led by André
Fischer, Manuel Sellner, Santhosh Neranjan, Markus A. Lill, and Martin Smieško, has provided the study
development free of charge, which is the most comprehensive screening calculation for SARS to date. A
list of 11 compounds was isolated. Taxifolin was among them and, according to the researchers, may also
inhibit the main coronavirus protease.
Inhibitors For Novel Coronavirus Protease Identified By Virtual Screening Of 687 Million Compounds
In order to find novel inhibitors, we computationally screened a compound library of over 687 million
compounds for binding at the recently solved crystal structure of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2. After
evaluation of off-target binding, we report a list of 11 drug-like compounds with improved binding free
energy to the target protease in contrast to the cocrystallized peptidomimetic lead compound that suffers
from poor pharmacokinetic properties. Furthermore, we identified one potent binder with comparable
properties from the natural compound library.
Naringenin Is A Powerful Inhibitor Of SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro
1. Naringenin was very effective in inhibiting human coronaviruses infection
2. TPC2, the molecular target of Naringenin, was critical in regulating HCoV229E infection mechanism
3. Naringenin showed a strong antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.
Perspective: The Potential Effects Of Naringenin In COVID-19
Among many compounds, naringenin (NAR) a flavonoid present in citrus fruits has been investigated for
antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties like reducing viral replication and cytokine production. In this
perspective, we summarize NAR potential anti-inflammatory role in COVID-19 associated risk factors and
SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Naringenin As A Possible Candidate Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection And In The Pathogenesis Of
This review highlights the antiviral potential of naringenin in COVID-19 associated risk factors and its
predicted therapeutic targets against SARS-CoV-2 infection.
The Discovery Of Naringenin As Endolysosomal Two-Pore Channel Inhibitor And Its Emerging Role
In SARS-CoV-2 Infection
The goal of the present review is to illustrate the rationale that links TPC channels to the mechanism of
coronavirus infection, and how their inhibition by Nar could be an efficient pharmacological strategy to
fight the current pandemic plague COVID-19.
Naringenin, A Flavanone With Antiviral And Anti-Inflammatory Effects: A Promising Treatment
Strategy Against COVID-19
In this review, the promising effects and possible mechanisms of action of naringenin, a citrus-derived
flavonoid, against COVID-19 were discussed.